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Places to Watch: 3 Hotspots for Forest Clearing Right Now
Places to Watch is an initiative that uses weekly GLAD alerts on Global Forest Watch to spot changes in forests around the globe and identify the most consequential cases of recent deforestation. By pairing deforestation alerts with expert interpretation of satellite imagery, credible descriptions of what is happening on the ground and resources to learn more, […]

Closing Data Gaps to Eliminate Deforestation and Land Disputes from Beef Supply Chains in Paraguay
By Peter Veit and Ryan Sarsfield Cows in the Paraguayan Chaco. Flickr/Arcadius. In the last 15 years, Paraguay lost a greater share of its forest than almost any other country on Earth. While soy farming once drove deforestation in the east, the focus of Paraguay’s forest loss has since moved west to the low-lying, thorn-forested Chaco, where cattle ranching has […]