Better Cocoa for the Planet: How ECOM is Reducing Deforestation in Their Supply Chain
Cocoa trader ECOM shows how companies can use data-driven resources reduce deforestation in their cocoa supply chains.
Oct 23, 2024|Forest Insights|12 minutes
Mining Is Increasingly Pushing into Critical Rainforests and Protected Areas
May 14, 2024|Forest Insights
The Forest Monitoring Story Behind a Cup of Gayo Coffee
To meet the global demand for Arabica coffee, effective monitoring systems are essential to both protect forests and ensure we can continue to enjoy Gayo coffee.
Feb 14, 2024|Data & Tools
Ending Deforestation from Cocoa in West Africa with New Data-Driven Resources
Two new data-driven resources provide a shared view of priority areas in West Africa and can help realize a a deforestation-free cocoa sector.
Nov 13, 2023|Data & Tools|12 minutes
Monitoring Forest Degradation for the EU Deforestation Regulation Using GFW
Under the EUDR, wood products entering the EU market must be degradation-free. Tools like GFW can help companies monitor for degradation.
Jun 23, 2023|Data & Tools|10 minutes
3 Ways Global Forest Watch Can Support the EU Law on Deforestation-free Supply Chains
Companies and others can use satellite data to help establish whether commodities are deforestation-free as required under the EUDR.