Sierra Leone
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In 2020, Sierra Leone had 5.47 Mha of natural forest, extending over 75% of its land area. In 2023, it lost 95.3 kha of natural forest, equivalent to 54.6 Mt of CO₂ emissions.
Explore interactive charts and maps that summarize key statistics about forests in Sierra Leone. Statistics – including rates of forest change, forest extent, drivers of deforestation, and deforestation and fire alerts – can be customized, easily shared and downloaded for offline use.
Primary Forest loss in Sierra Leone
Tree cover loss in Sierra Leone
Annual tree cover loss by dominant driver in Sierra Leone
Location of tree cover loss in Sierra Leone
Components of net change in tree cover in Sierra Leone
Tree cover gain in Sierra Leone compared to other areas
Tree Cover in Sierra Leone
Location of tree cover in Sierra Leone
Natural forest in Sierra Leone
Weekly Fire Alerts in Sierra Leone
Cumulative Fire Alerts in Sierra Leone
Tree cover loss due to fires in Sierra Leone
Integrated Deforestation alerts in Sierra Leone
Fire alerts in Sierra Leone
Historical Fire Alerts in Sierra Leone